Please read the following informative letter. Please note that e-mails regarding the issues that are sheared below are not responded to in order to provide the same information again.

Currently, there is a high request for appointments for C type (short term) visa applications. Appointments are always made through AS Visa Center's online appointment system. Appointment quotas are updated every week. Therefore, we recommend checking the appointment system every day.

Extra appointments are only provided under very urgent and special circumstances. Likewise, appointments for business purposes are provided at the discretion of the Consulate. When requesting an appointment for business purposes, a business invitation letter should always be sent in the e-mail. Appointment requests should always be sent to e-mail address.

Applicants who wish to appeal a negative decision should submit their appeal application through the online appointment system. No extra appointments are provided via e-mail or telephone. The legal period to submit an appeal application is 8 calendar days. Even if people who exceed this legal period have an appointment through the system, their appeal applications are not accepted because the appointment day exceeds the legal period.

According to the experience gained from recent visa applications, the most basic grounds for rejection are shared below. Rejection rates inevitably increase due to the reasons shared below.

Basic grounds for refusal:

  •          Visa-shopping: The Consulate General of Hungary in Istanbul provides type C visas for Slovenia and Portugal in Istanbul, in addition to its own representative country. Please note that if the applicant will not be traveling to Hungary, Slovenia or Portugal and has the intention to travel to a different country, so there is a suspicion of visa-shopping (not going to the destination country with the visa received), the case will be rejected. We advise applicants with visa-shopping intentions to cancel their appointments. Rejection decisions are visible by all Schengen Member States and the rejection decision remains in the system for life. Having such a rejection history may negatively affect future visa applications.
  •          Incomplete submission of basic documents and incomplete information during the submission of the file
  •          Submitting an application with forged documents (This is most common in the case of hotel and flight reservations - even if the application is made through an agency, it should be remembered that the responsibility for the application always belongs to the applicant.) Agencies that submit applications with forged documents will always be blacklisted and their applications will not be accepted.

The decision on a visa application is always based on many parameters and on the documents submitted.